Presentation instructions —

Oral presentations

Plenary lectures will last 30 minutes and oral communications
15 minutes, both including time for questions and discussion.

Supported formats for presentations are: pdf, ppt, pptx, and odp.

If you are using online presentation tools (like Prezi), we suggest you to have a copy for offline presenting. If you have some special technical requests, please inform us until October 1, 2016.

Poster presentations

The poster board surface area is 950 mm wide x 2350 mm high. Recommended poster size is 900 mm wide x 1200 mm high, considering posters should be legible from a distance of 2 m.

The poster should be organised in the following sections:
— Introduction,
— Materials and Methods,
— Results and Discussion, and
— Conclusions.

Posters should be set up on the first day of the Symposium and will remain on display for its duration. Specific poster sessions will be included in the program. During those sessions, authors will be requested to stand by their posters.

Print Instructions for Poster and Oral Presentations

Symposium logo, to be used for poster and presentation preparation.